Jibboom Catapulting

Loss of the Leopold:
As the Belgian barque Leopold sank, the Captain and eleven of the crew crowded onto the jibboom as the last place of refuge. Others had tried to swim ashore but were dashed against the rocks. It seemed that no one was going to survive this shipwreck on the rock coast of Grand Jason Island. Peter de Clerk had the last seat at the heel of the jibboom, by an accident of physics, he was catapulted to the safety when the jibboom snapped due to the weight of the crew sitting on it. Everyone else was dumped into the sea and drown. Who’s to say the last seat on the ride might not be the best one. Peter de Clerk’s story, after completing this near Olympic event, was one of a lonely survival on the island of Grand Jason (near the Falkland Islands).

Survival of Peter de Clerk
All Peter had when he was cast ashore was an old shirt and a pair of drawers. He managed to get a fire going after a few hours by rubbing some rope and wood together. He survived by eating land birds, seals and penguins. Peter must have found a source of fresh water somewhere on the island, but he does not make mention of it in his narrative. He waited on the island for 23 days until finally a passing schooner rescued him.

Sussex Advertiser, Tuesday 14 September 1858, pg. 7.

Berkshire Chronicle, Saturday 11 September 1858, pg. 6.